It's Sunday afternoon here and we're being lazy today. On the weekends nothing really goes on around here. Brandon & I slept until 12:30 - something that we haven't done since we got here. It was nice to actually sleep in and pretend that we're back home :) Yesterday we got up early & went into town with several other patients. We started our day at a Temple downtown. It wasn't quite as peaceful as the one in the
mountain nor was it as scenic but it was nice to see. Next we stopped at the boardwalk. Almost everyone else wanted to eat C
hinese food. But Brandon & I couldn't stomach the thought of
eating it so we skipped it & went to the beach. Brandon was able to play in the water
which he loved. I took off his clothes & left him in his boxers since we still had more stops to make. At first I wasn't sure if it was
ok but then I noticed that most of the other kids were completely naked. He played with another little boy who could speak some English. We kept getting surrounded by people wanting to take pictures of Brandon. I bought a bottle of water so I could wash the sand off of
Brandon's feet & legs. As we sat down to get him cleaned up, I noticed a circle had been formed around us of
ple wanting to see him. It was a bit Awhile later we walked down the boardwalk & took photo's. It was nice to watch the Navy ships off in the dist
ance. Brandon enjoyed looking at the water from the boardwalk (about 6 ft below). Later we went to
Jimo and to a DVD store. The DVD store is so funny. We walk in & ask them that we want to see the English movies. They tell you to be quiet as they lead to to the back. Suddenly this shelf starts to move
reveiling a secret room full of movies. I'm assuming they are copies which would explain the secrecy. After stopping at
KFC for dinner, we arrived back to the

"house" at 7:30 completely exhausted but grateful that we were able to do something that made the day go by quickly.
Photo's: 1st - Brandon & I at the Temple. There was a long walkway that lead to different buildings, each containing a gold Buddha with gifts of fruit and other things around it. People would buy incense and light several at a time in front of the Buddha. They would then hold the incense up to their forehead as they prayed. After prayer, they would throw the incense into a metal "thingy" as shown in photo #5. 2nd - Brandon & I in front of the huge bell. While there, the bell began to ring and we saw several monks head toward a large building that had another gold bud
dha in it. From what I understood, it was time for prayer. Anyway inside of the bell house is a 3ft long log suspended in air by chains and covered in decorations. They strike the bell with the swinging log which of course causes the bell to ring. 3rd - Brandon & I in front of the oddest little building. It is seven stories high but each floor is extremely small. I didn't see any signs that gave an indication as to what it was. I thought it was an interesting building though. 4th - In front of each building, there is a metal box that people place incense in after praying over them (like the person in the background). It was really smoky around the boxes!! On the left 0ur favorite driver looks on. 5th - When the bell rang, the monks went into this building which is the largest building there at the Temple. We saw several banners announcing the 2008 Olympics which I thought was o
dd at a Buddhist Temple. 6th - One of the golden buddha's which is found in every building. I didn't realize that we weren't suppose to take photo's of the buddha's until the driver pointed out a sign saying so....oops! 6th - Brandon at the beach. He had such a good time playing in the water. He accidentally got some water in his mouth & he said "EWW that's nasty water!!" I had to explain to him that it was salt water and that lots of fish live in there. In the background there was several Navy ships just hanging around. Also above Brandon's left shoulder, there was a man in a row boat just floating arou
nd us. He would come up as close to the shoreline as possible then go back out. I never did see the purpose of it but he seemed to be having a good time. Brandon got a little sunburned out there. Every few minutes someone would come by and take his picture. Can you see the island in the background??
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