Wednesday, June 18, 2008

8:09 PM

In the last post I added a donation to the fundraising event in Scott City, Kansas that really wasn't "part" of the Hamburger Fry. And so I would like to thank the children at the Scott Mennonite Vacation Bible School for generously donating their change to Brandon's Fight For Sight. They raised $423.00!! We have had several children donate their change or piggy banks to Brandon. In a way it makes me proud that the children of our future so thoughtful but it saddens me as well. They unselfishly give to Brandon instead of buying that new toy they have been saving up for. At Ellicott Elementary, a few kids donated their savings instead of buying a wii console that they had been saving up for. They just said they would start over on saving for one. It literally brought tears to my eyes. Tonight I was told that a few children were selling lemonade on Main St in Scott City for Brandon during the Hamburger Fry. I wish I knew who they were but my mother in-law wasn't sure either. If anyone knows who the children were, please send me an e-mail at

We have had $3,355.66 in donations to Brandon's ENT account since Brandon's story was aired on Channel 13 news. I wish I knew who the donors are that put money into Brandon's account but unfortunately it only shows up as a deposit (no names). So to the countless people who have donated to Brandon's ENT account - THANK YOU! I truly wish I could send a thank you note or call all the people who have helped Brandon but sadly many names remain unknown so all I can do is recognize them here on Brandon's blog.