We have been home 10 days and to be quite honest, it has been the best 10 days of my life!! Brandon's first eye Dr. appointment was on Monday. We had channel 13 news crew with us so they can update everyone on how Brandon's doing. Unfortunately it appears our Dr. has changed his opinion of stem cell therapy in China. He made a speech about how it couldn't possibly work but yet he said Brandon is "testing" better during the exam. He knew as well as everyone in the room that Brandon saw more during that exam than he did during the last one. So we took the Dr's speech like we do with every other critic - with a grain of salt. Everyone who has seen Brandon since returning has noticed changes in how he gets around and how he's noticing more of his surroundings. I didn't expect the Dr. to saw "It's a miracle!" however I did expect him to be honest about his findings. At the end, h

e made a statement that made me understand why he wasn't being straight with us. He told us that he had been telling his other patients not to go to China & he didn't want the news story to say that he saw improvements with Brandon because everyone would be calling him asking why they shouldn't try it. I understand how hard it is to grasp the fact that this treatment could possibly help when every other medical professional has said "IMPOSSIBLE". I get that - really. But we went over there knowing that this may not help. We understood the risks and we accepted whatever the outcome. Never did we imagine that Brandon would come home seeing the alphabet in print. Anyway Brandon had another appointment with the school's eye Dr on Wednesday. The first Dr. had promised to call the 2
nd Dr to let him know of his findings however when we got to Wednesday's appointment, we learned that the 1st Dr. had not called Dr #2. I was quite upset because we were promised that he would call him. I'm wondering if a Doctor change is in order. Not because he doesn't believe in stem cell therapy - that's his opinion. But because we paid $81.00 Monday for a speech on how it can't possibly work & an assessment that was calculated because he was concerned of what his other patients would say. Then he decided not to call the school's Dr. after he said he would. Anyway

Dr. #2 said that adding print to Brandon's lessons would benefit him and to allow him to view things in his comfort zone (4 inches away). Brandon has been used to seeing things up close and we had originally been told to make him use his sight by making him look at objects further away. The 2
nd Dr.'s
input was very helpful & I'm happy with his assessment. He wasn't there to see how far Brandon can see but to help us on how Brandon should be taught. He said that there is a program available to help students obtain equipment that can help with their education. We are in need of a CCTV and that's what we're going to ask for. They won't pay for all of it but they may pay for most of the total cost. Anything to help Brandon better himself! Anyway channel 13 will come visit Brandon at his school Tuesday morning so Brandon's excited about that. He has a secret crush on Jennifer (the morning news anchor). It's cute really because he's always asking when he can talk to her. Then when he sees her, he doesn't say too much. They should be airing his story either next week
or the following week - I'll keep everyone posted! I apologize for not answering
every one's emails this week - I'm down with a cold that refuses to go away. Hopefully in the next day or two, I can finish the emails. Sorry Jamie for not getting those pictures off to you yet - I promise I will soon! Tell Spencer "Hi" for me - I miss him!
Photo's: 1st - Brandon's greatest love (besides music) is swimming. 2nd - Nick & I enjoying the day together. 3rd - Brandon playing in the water. Grandpa Preston had to work hard to get him out!!