Brandon had an IV stem cell treatment today. Everything went well & he's doing great. He's very hyper today - jumping around and running up and down the corridor. This morning at 8 am the nurses came knocking on the door wanting to start the IV. I asked them to please come back later since he still had 6 hours before the treatment started. There was no sense in waking him up so early just to torture him. 10 MINUTES later they came back. I told them "No, LATER". So they came back at 10 am. I gave in and woke Brandon up. At 2 pm we went to the IV room and started treatment. I noticed that the stem cells weren't really yellow like usual. I asked the nurse why it was so pale in color. They told me that they would have a Dr. come in and talk to me about it. About 30 minutes after treatment, the Dr came in and explained to me that when they are culturing the stem cells, they try to remove as many red blood cells as possible but they are not always able to. So the more yellow the stem cell bag, the more red blood cells. Apparently you do not want it to be so yellow. So we learned something new today. Brandon is up to the letter R. I'm sure if I pushed him, he could've gotten through the whole alphabet by now however today I had a hard time getting him to sit still. We worked on letters for about 20 minutes & then he was done with it. Maybe this weekend will be calmer for him. If not then I know on Wednesday when he's laying down for 6 hours, he won't be able to run from it!! Tomorrow Brandon will get his wish. He wants to go to the beach and see the water. So we're going to spend the day out. After awhile the walls start closing in on you & you begin to feel like a caged animal. We went for a walk tonight but Brandon didn't like it (he just hates to walk). He kept begging me to get a taxi to take him back to the hospital :) 10 days until we come home!!
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