Wow, sorry it took me so long to update the blog. We've had an eventful couple of weeks. First of all we met with Tyrone Wright and his manager Lou. We met them during practice and although we tried to stay out of the way, Brandon couldn't help but want to "fight" someone. They were wonderful hosts and obliged Brandon by loaning him a pair of gloves. He practiced hitting & kicking (with a huge grin on his face the whole time!!) Everyone

signed a champion belt before presenting him with it. Brandon didn't like it at first and wanted nothing to do with it. After we got home, I explained to him that it was like an award. After he understood that it wasn't a belt to hold his pants up, he liked it. Channel 13 news camera man, CJ, was there. It aired on the news 2 days later.
http://www.krdo.com/Global/story.asp?S=8565173 At the end, Brandon got to "fight" Tyrone. We are looking forward to watching Tyrone fight on August 2nd at the city auditorium in Colorado Springs. A portion of ticket sales will be donated to Brandon's Fund. We would love to see you there!! You can read more about the event at
A car wash is being arranged on July 19th in Colorado Springs. More details will become available soon. We also met with a group tonight who are wanting to arrange a rodeo for Brandon at the end of August. Details are still being worked out and again, they will become available as soon as I know them!! Brandon's birthday is in two weeks (July 25th). We have high hopes that next year he will be able to see the candles that he'll blow out. We leave for China in less than a month - YEAHH!! We made the final payment for the treatment on Monday July 7th. My 29th birthday was on Monday and to be honest, that was the greatest birthday. Knowing that my son's treatment was paid for - it was a huge relief!! On June 30th we had our overseas vaccinations. Brandon was absolutely petrified of the shots and as much as we hated to, John & I had to hold him down. (He's a fighter!!) I felt terrible and I think I cried more than he did. I hated to make him go through that but we knew it was in his best interest. He had a total of 3 shots.
Photos above:
1st photo - Tyrone & Brandon
2nd photo - Brandon with Channel 13 news camerman, CJ
3rd photo - Brandon with Tyrone's manager, Lou