As our last trip outside of the hospital as a family, we chose to go to the mountains. Seems fitting since we live so close to Pike's Peak. We had our favorite driver stop at
KFC so we could have lunch on our way up there. Now usually our driver takes it easy on us. He's our favorite driver because he doesn't try to kill us just to get ahead of another vehicle. However I believe he was having an off day because we all held on for dear life! As we headed up the side of the mountain, the ocean was directly below us on t

he right side. There was a 2 1/2 ft high barrier to "prevent" cars from falling off the road into the ocean however I don't think it would've been much help if we had hit it. Anyway as mentioned previously speed limits are a mere suggestion around here & these people like to see who can be the fastest. As we sped up the side of that mountain on a narrow 2 lane road, all I could think of was what would we die from - the accident itself or drowning in

the sea. We finally arrived to our destination - an old
Buddist Temple. A tourist guide offered to explain it's history for 30
RMB's. I figured it would be nice to learn about the temple so we agreed to hire him to take us around. We soon realized that his English really isn't that great and we didn't learn to much from him however just being there was an amazing experience. The grounds consisted of several old buildings and from what little we did learn from the tourist guide, the King lived in one building while his many wives lived in one across the courtyard. It was so peaceful &

I'm happy that we were able to see it. When we left the Temple, the ocean was right across the road. As we headed towards the sea, we became surrounded by souvenir vendor's. The driver tried to keep them away from us but they were relentless. Unfortunately we weren't able to enjoy the view because the vendor's kept sticking things in front of our faces so we headed to the van as quickly as we could. They were still trying to sell us stuff as we were loading into the van! The driver was so funny though - he yelled at them

to get away but since they didn't he got in the van and floored it. All we could do was hold onto the kids and the handles. Since wearing seat belts are not required here, the seat belts are all covered by seat covers. Nick hit the floor a couple of times because the driver would slam on his breaks & we couldn't grab him fast enough. After leaving the Temple, we headed back though the mountain. Another van tried to pass us and our driver sped up. I told him "No rush!" and he just laughed. On the way to the Temple, I had notic

ed a nice beach that had relatively no people
there so on the way back, we asked the driver to pull over so we could let the kids play for awhile. We took our shoes off & played on the beach for awhile. Brandon loved it! He would laugh every time a wave hit his legs. I'm so glad Brandon had a great time. I mean the hospital isn't bad but it does get boring and it almost becomes necessary to just get out. In the last 3 weeks we were out 3 times as a family. With the whole family here, it made this trip a lot more bearable. We were able to experience this together and we're grateful. THANK YOU RONNIE for making this possible. Withou

t your help, half of us would've had to stay home. We are so happy that we were able to be together for as long as we were.
Photo's: 1st - Brandon playing on the beach. 2nd - All of us enjoying the time together on the beach - Worry free!! 3rd - Courtney playing in the water. 4th - A nice quiet walk through the grounds at the Temple (you could almost imagine what it must've been like back in the day) 5th - John at the Buddist Temple 6th - More of the grounds at the Temple. You walk through this door and that's the view you get - breathtaking! 7th - We stopped at a landmark on our way to the Temple to see a waterfall. Acr
oss the street there is an amazing view of the sea and these huge rocks. 8th - Only John, Nick & I chose to get out of the van to see the waterfall & pose in front of the giant seashell - wonder what it says behind the seashell??
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