Yesterday Dr. Bing gave Brandon a set of flash cards that had various pictures on them. Car, ship, plane, helicopter, watermelon, corn, green pepper, apple, tomato, potato, water gun, rattle, cup, bowl...well you get the point. Anyway there is 48 different pictures and within 4 hours (including breaks), Brandon was able to tell us what each one was - 2 feet away - except tomato & apple (They look identical with the exception of the stem). I brought the Dr back in last night during Brandon's "lying down time" to show him what Brandon could do. After going through them with him, Dr. Bing grabbed my shoulders & hugged me then tried to hug Brandon but he wasn't going for any of that. He told Brandon "Thank you for making my day... this is very good news". I thought he was going to cry but he did keep his composure. He said that Brandon has a very good chance of improving more over the next several months. Many people have told me that the Dr's are just in it for the money. This may be true for some Dr's but not Dr. Bing. He is an amazing Dr who truly cares about what he's doing. He WANTS to help people, he WANTS to see people improve - and we can't thank him enough for everything he has done. Last night we were informed that the Dr. visiting from another city lets his patients up after 4 hours of lying down. So instead of the normal 6 hours, Brandon was allowed up after 4 hours. He was hap
py about that. Especially since there was a party going on out in the lobby. An hour after it started, Brandon & I were able to go out and take part in the festivities. We took pictures, talked to other patients & ate. They had the coffee tables COVERED with fruit, cake,
moon pies, & juice. Brandon ate watermelon & cake to celebrate his last treatment. We retired early since he is suppose to take it easy for 48 hours after treatment. Around 11pm, Brandon started suffering a headache. I gave him Tylenol but it wasn't helping. I went to the Dr's office across the hall & asked Dr. Bing for medicine. The last time Brandon had a headache, they gave him a capsule which we
dissolved in water. 5 minutes later, the Dr. came back with a capsule. Today he has been taking it easy & right now he's in bed with another headache. I think he partied too much last night instead of resting. Another day is about to end - 2 days left!! We stayed up late last night & slept until nearly 2pm today. Hopefully it will help in readjusting to US time when we get home.........
IN 2 DAYS!!!
Photo's: 1st - Brandon enjoying the party in the lobby. See all the food on the table? They had a bowl of limes....not sure what they were for. 2nd - Brandon is flirtin' with the nurses & making his remaining time here count!!
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