It has been CRAZY this week. In less than 48 hours we will be leaving our house to go to the airport. For 8 months, we have dreamt of this moment. Through blood, sweat & tears we are finally at the end of one journey and we're about to begin another chapter of our lives. And we couldn't have done it without the people who have fallen in love with our little boy. Brandon has touched so many lives just has he di

d with me the moment the nurse placed him in my arms. As I write this, I can't help but cry. We are about to embark on a journey of a lifetime. My baby has this wonderful opportunity to see and I'm so happy for him. If I have learned anything from the last 8 months it's that people truly care. We met a lot of wonderful people who have made a difference in Brandon's li

fe. One family we met a few weeks ago put their God given talent to work to raise money for Brandon this past Sunday. Kim Phillips heard about Brandon and wanted to help. Her wonderful family put on a concert for Brandon at Harmony Bowl on Academy Blvd. Honestly before Sunday, I had no doubt they could sing - I just didn't realize how well they could do it. What came from their mouths gave me goose bumps. I

had never heard someone sing as well as they did. (even the pros could take lessons from that family!) 100% of all donations went to Brandon's Fund. Harmony Bowl also donated 21 lanes which we sold for $10.00 a person for 2 games. It was great fun! The highlight of the day was when Thalia & her father, George sang Brandon's favorite song - Fast as You by Dwight Yoakam. Brandon who had been exhausted from Saturday night's fight suddenly gained enoug

h energy to dance. He absolutely loved it! So THANK YOU Thalia & George for making Brandon's day. THANK YOU to the Phillips family (and Larry) for putting on such a great fundraiser.
Photo's: 1st: Brandon's banner at the entrance of Harmony Bowl 2nd: Kim Phillips - the one who made all of this possible 3rd: Thalia & her talented daughter - hard to believe a 14 year old can sing as well as she does. 4th: Trent & Thalia's father George - gotta love him! 5th: Kim's husband, Trent Phillips singing for Brandon.
Hi Brandon I just wanted to write as you are about to embark on this wonderful journey to China. It will be hard to see you go we will dearly miss you. But we are putting our faith in God that he will take care of you as you head to China and during your stay there. We are very proud of you, you are truly a brave little boy. You have endured more than most adults ever would with no complaints. We hope to talk to you often I definately know that Kordnse will want to say Hi. Best of luck to you we will see you as you head off on the airplane. We love you so much and know that this is the right thing for you. This was meant to be from the very beginning. Great things are coming for you. We love you.
Aspen, Jason, and Kordnse
Hi Katrina,
Brandon is in our prayers! I have great faith and confidence that the stem cell treatments Brandon is about to receive will be one of the best gifts he will received in his young life! You have many family and friends faithful support.
God Bless!
Carol Petersen
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