OTT CITY!! The hamburger fry was a complete
success and we owe a huge "Thank You" to everyone who helped make the it a
success. From the ones who cooked the hamburgers to the ones who bagged the burgers, poured drinks, sold raffle tickets, and donated items. And especially to the people who came out to show their support in Brandon's Fight For Sight. It was really nice to walk around the park and see so many smiling faces who

were there to enjoy the day with us. The band was great which only topped off the perfect day. We were blessed with absolutely the best weather - not too hot, but not cold and NO WIND!! Brandon had fun meeting all the people who have been
rootin' for him. He was able to swing for awhile which was a big plus for him. At the end of

the day, Brandon drew the raffle ticket winners. We were able to sell 83 lbs of left over (uncooked) hamburger for 2.00 a lb. As soon as we got back to Grandma & Grandpa's house, Brandon was ready to put his PJ's on and go to bed. It was an exhausting weekend but we had a lot of fun.
PICTURES: Top photo is Brandon in the town of "Brandon, Colorado". Every since we moved to Colorado Springs, we go past Brandon, Color
ado on our way back to Kansas. For almost 5 years I have been wanting to stop to take a photo of Brandon in "Brandon" but the timing was wrong (didn't have the camera, Brandon was sleeping, too dark, etc.). Finally today on our way back home, I was able to stop for a few minutes to take the picture. 1st left picture: Lila, Brandon, & Grandma Bonnie at the donation / raffle table. Brandon met so many people who are loo
king forward to the day we board the plane for China. 1st right picture: several people brought out their lawn chairs to enjoy the hamburgers, listen to the band, and soak up the perfect day. 2nd left picture: Brandon is able to tell the crowd "Thank You" after he drew the winning raffle tickets. Standing next to him is Bonnie Christianson & Grandma Bonnie. 2nd right picture: Harold Wright and his band. They were great!! Since John's birthday was the following day, they sang "Happy Birthday" to him. The 3rd left picture: We had so many people who volunteered their time to help cook hamburgers, wrap them up, pour drinks, & toss the cookies in the bags.
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